Ubuntu on a G3 iMac

Peter Lieverdink ubuntu at cafuego.net
Sat Nov 5 22:35:46 UTC 2005

On Sat, 2005-11-05 at 16:26 -0200, Mauro K. wrote:
> So how does it work (in speed) compared to OS X Tiger, which i am 
> currently using? I have a iMac DV SE 400MHz with 512 MB RAM.

It will fly in comparison. Really. But probably a bit less so than it
would compared with Tiger running off the internal drive (Coz those
drives are a tad slow). My iMac is a 350 MHz Grape with 256MB ram,
Ubuntu runs just dandy.

> Also, I have two drives, an external 120GB Firewire one I use with 
> Tiger and the internal 13GB one that I intend to install kubuntu, will 
> ubuntu recognize the media files and etc on my HFS+ file system on the 
> Mac system drive?

Apple partition maps and HFS/HFS+ are supported. Writing to them *can*
mess up your disk to the point of needing DiskWarrior, though.

> BTW anyone also had problems on yaboot installation?

Mine worked fine :-)

- P.
Peter Lieverdink   counter.li.org #108200   -37.807478, 144.94465
0x969F3F57   9662 1CB5 8E54 450D 2E12 9D7E 580E 2519 969F 3F57
cachaca   09:34:41 up 2 days  2:32  5 users  load: 2.11 2.52 2.34
Ubuntu 5.10 (Breezy Badger)   Linux 2.6.12-9-amd64-k8 x86_64

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