Configuring Postfix

Ashwani Jain ashwani at
Sat Nov 5 08:54:54 UTC 2005

On Sat, 2005-11-05 at 12:50 +0530, Ashwani Jain wrote:
> Hi
>     I am trying to configure postfix using webmin.But the problem is
> my newly configured postfix smtp does not receive any mail from
> outside.

Is it set up as MX server in the zone file for the domain you want it to
handle mail for? Is it connected to the internet on a globally routable
IP? Can the rest of the internet access it on port 25?

- P.
Peter Lieverdink #108200   -37.807478, 144.94465
0x969F3F57   9662 1CB5 8E54 450D 2E12 9D7E 580E 2519 969F 3F57
cachaca   18:58:16 up 1 day 11:56  2 users  load: 0.24 0.58 0.41
Ubuntu 5.10 (Breezy Badger)   Linux 2.6.12-9-amd64-k8 x86_64

Thanks Mr. Peter

    Actually at the moment I am trying to make a basic mail server which
can send and receive mails in the local area network, later it will be
exposed on to the internet and will play as real time mail server.  I
made 1 change using webmin and now its receiving email.  

    For R&D purpose i have configured 2 ubuntu 5.10 machine with Postfix
using webmin 1.230.  Both the machines are configured with Postfix
2.2.4.  These machine are sending and receiving mails with each other
but if I try to send any mail to any account that email does
not reach there.  

        If I send mail from 1 of these machine to another as
useer at machine than mail sending works but if I send mail using
user at it does not work.  I also make MX entry in DNS

      IN    MX    1 (my machine's

What more needs to be added.

        I can configure this SMTP server in any mail client link mozilla
to send mails and its working, but if I try to configure pop using same
server it     returns error 'could not connect to the server :
connection refused' .  How to configure POP on this.



Thanks & regards

Ashwani Jain
Systems Administrator
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