Solaris: The Most Advanced OS?
chouck at
chouck at
Fri Nov 4 12:17:24 UTC 2005
That statement might be a bit bold, but only a bit. We are examinging it to upgrade from Solaris 9.
It has some new and advanced features that 'I' feel does make it a new flavor of UNIX.The zone feature, the way it allows PRIV's for users and groups, better security methods, the way it watches, reports and fixes itself.
If you are really interested go to:
Gives an intro. Also read what users say, always the best info there:
If you have an x86 machine to spare you can download for free at:
You might have to register.
As with anything trying for your self will prove its value.
I happen to think Solaris is great. ...having said that I continue (w/ my boss) to be a loud voice for Debian as server s/w.
We have a large public lab that I converted from Solaris 9 on Sunblades to Debian on Pentium 4s.
> Hello,
> Did you check the website which claims that Solaris 10 is the
> most advanced OS on the planet? Could anyone tell me what grounds is
> the claim based upon. I was surprised to see that claim and has anyone
> out there used it to testify on its truthfullness? Are there many such
> claims? Thanks...
Craig .................. ><>
Systems: Servers; Software; Solution.
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