Finale for Ubuntu

Eric Devost ericdevost at
Wed Nov 2 16:15:49 UTC 2005

AA a écrit :

>Hello all, I am looking for a program to replace
>Finale 2002.  I dont know if there is something like
>this for linux, or if I will just need to run it out
>of a virtual machine, but this is the last piece that
>I want to be done with windows forever, (my son still
>uses it to play his thomas games, but thats all).  
>In case you dont know, finale is basically a program
>for writing scores, sheet music, and guitar tabs.  It
>will play back the music via midi so that you can
>easily edit by ear.  I use this program alot for
>school, and some in the studio as well.  
>If anyone has a suggestion as to what might be a good
>replacement, please let me know.

Rosegarden is what you are looking for.

It's a very mature software. I'm using it since 2001 and the usability 
is now great. I haven't tried it on ubuntu. If you want the best in 
music softwares for Linux, have a look at :

Having Rosegarden running with all midi capabilities is not an easy task 
if you dont go with planet CCRMA. I would recommend you dual boot with 
planet CCRMA instead of goingt for Finale on a virtual machine.

Hope this give you a start !


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