Outlook and Linux

Eric S. Johansson esj at harvee.org
Tue Nov 1 04:48:13 UTC 2005

'Forum Post wrote:
> You could look at a product called 'Kerio Mailserver'
> (http://www.kerio.com/kms_home.html).  I've been running their
> mailserver for a couple of years now and it is very nice.
> There is a webmail component that functions very similarly to Outlook;
> e-mail, calendar, tasks, excellent anti-spam & anti-virus,
> mail/calendar/contact sharing, public folders, drag and drop,
> context-sensitive right-click menus, super-easy administration,
> multi-domain capability and a lot more.  It is an amazing product and
> very cost-effective (about 1/10th the cost of Exchange).

I'm sure is.  Except I would probably want to nuke the antispam feature 
because I have an antispam system that is orders of magnitude better 
than most of the ones out there today.  Yea, I'm speaking part from ego 
but when you have a system which allows an single admin to handle all of 
the antispam needs of a hundred people in less than 5 minutes per day 
and one false positive a week, that's pretty damn good.

Now If I could just fix my arm from patting myself on the back, I would 
be all set.  ;-)

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