
Rajesh Ganesan grajeshiyer at
Mon May 30 17:07:12 UTC 2005

I find one real problem with ubuntu - that is, sudo. In a network (I
have a small office, with three computers networked), any user can
access to the root privileges with his own password with sudo. He can
delete system files, read other persons /home/~ folders or even
install softwares with his own password.
I read ubuntu's justification of using sudo. Having log file of
finding out what happened is a detective measure. How about a
preventive measure? Does anybody please give me a suggestion? I do not
want users to have sudo power (like in RH based distros). Disabling
sudo service did not help me. The only thing I dislike in debian based
distros is 'sudo'. Ubuntu is otherwise rocking!!!

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