
Oliver Grawert hostmaster at
Wed May 25 18:25:25 UTC 2005

Am Mittwoch, den 25.05.2005, 18:09 +0000 schrieb sujit sinha:
> Also, if much experienced users in the list are willing to share their 
> /etc/apt/sources.list in this forum.
> I think it will be of enormous help to new comers.
the more experienced you get, the more you'll learn that fiddling with
your sources list and foreign sources in ubuntu is a really bad idea...
the shipped souces list is ok as it is, all you need is in there, but
all unsupported repositorys are disabled by default...

either use synaptic to enable the additional repositorys in there or
edit the sources.list by hand (if you feel confident) to enable universe
or multiverse, and soon you'll have access to more packages then you can

btw: the ubuntu archive server currently holds more then 16000 packages
for you, is that enough for a centralized source ? 


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