Nautilus Uses 100% CPU

ZIYAD A. M. AL-BATLY zamb at
Wed May 18 02:42:31 UTC 2005

On Fri, 2005-05-06 at 10:57 -0400, Trevor Nightingale wrote:
> Hi,
> I installed Ubuntu (Hoary Hedgehog) last night and one of the first
> things I wanted to do was copy my photos back to my hard drive from a
> CD.
> I dragged 5 directories from my CD to a folder in my Nautilus file
> manager and it started to copy over all 650Mb of data. The problem I
> had was that the copying appeared slow, but more significantly, the
> machine became unusable due to the cpu usage being 100%.
> Is this normal behaviour for Nautilus ?
> I am not opposed to using the command line to copy files, however, I
> thought I would use the GUI and see how it worked.... 
> Any ideas/suggestions ?
> Trevor

Hi Trevor, and sorry for the delay.  I have read all the replies (which
all focus on the DMA issue) but I have another theory.

Are you sure it's Nautilus that hugs all the CPU while copying?  When
the problem happens again, run “System Monitor” and see what really use
the CPU (in my theory it's “gam_server”).  That's normal (in that it's
not specific to you) and it *should* be fixed in Breezy.

What really happens (in a nutshell) is that “gam_server” monitors the
directories that have an *open* Nautilus window(s) plus other important
ones (like the Home, Desktop, /use/share/applications, /etc/xdg/menus,
and more others).  To see what “gam_server” monitors, run:
        lsof -n | grep '^gam_serve.*DIR'


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