Colony CD 1

Matt Galvin matt.t.galvin at
Tue May 17 18:26:22 UTC 2005

> >
>  Downloading. Expect a raport soon. :-)

Hi All,

I did an install of Colony CD 1 in VMware 5 (using an 10GB IDE virtual
disk) and it went well, it installed as expected. I also grabbed the
latest updates via the Update Manager and that worked as expected
also. As noted in the announcement, since there is not much over Hoary
right now there is not much else to report other than, the install

I did notice that there is now an installer log(s) of the what
happened during installation in /var/log/installer/*, i'm not sure if
this is new or not, I just noticed it :-/.

Eagerly awaiting the new stuff,


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