
Anders Karlsson anders at trudheim.com
Tue May 17 06:37:39 UTC 2005

Good Morning,

On Tue, 2005-05-17 at 06:20 +0000, alain.muls at telenet.be wrote:
> Hello,
> Big problem with evolution. When sending (or
> trying to) an email, I get the error message
> (as pop-up)
> MAIL FROM command failed: Please try again later

How have you configured Evolution to send mail? Servertype SMTP or
Sendmail? (Edit -> Preferences, find your account, edit, and in the
"Sending Email" tab. )

> or
> insufficient disk space

That means exactly that, no more space in the filesystem.

> What is the cause of this?

/var being full on the system processing the sent mail most likely. The
"MAIL FROM" problem maybe someone else have better ideas about, but I
guess that could be a result of the filesystem being full (no space to
spool the message to).


Anders Karlsson <anders at trudheim.com> | GnuPG Key ID - 0x4B20601A
Senior QA Engineer - McAfee WebShield | finger anders at lenin.trudheim.com
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