convert mpg to KINO readable format?

Bengt Thuree bengt at
Sat May 14 18:14:42 UTC 2005

I am struggling with trying to convert a mpg file to a format which KINO
can read.

> bengt at jolly:/extra/dvd$ file xxyyzz.mpg
> xxyyzz.mpg: MPEG sequence, v2, program multiplex

I have tried to convert it to a dv file, but no luck

> ffmpeg -i xxyyzz.mpg -s 4cif -target dv -sameq -t 1:0:0 -an xxyyzz.avi
> bengt at jolly:/extra/dvd$ file xxyyzz.avi
> xxyyzz.avi: DIF (DV) movie file (PAL)

> bengt at jolly:/extra/dvd$ ls -lah
> total 42G
> drwxr-xr-x   4 bengt bengt 4.0K 2005-05-15 03:58 .
> drwxrwxrwx  13 root  root  4.0K 2005-05-01 15:56 ..
> -rw-r--r--   1 bengt bengt  13G 2005-05-14 21:41 xxyyzz.avi
> -rw-r--r--   1 bengt bengt 6.8G 2005-03-11 21:22 xxyyzz.mpg

Kino always fails to open the file. 

Any suggestions on how I should do this, or which tool I should use.

It is some old super 8 tapes that have been converted to an mpg file. I
need to edit it, and add an audio track, add photos etc.

Thanks in advance

Bengt Thuree <bengt at>
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