Warty GRUB won't install

Kevin O'Gorman kogorman at gmail.com
Fri May 13 15:44:46 UTC 2005

I've got a situation with a fairly-new Warty install that's not quite
complete yet --
among other things, I haven't been able to install GRUB.

When I try, I get this:

   root at maguire:/boot # grub-install /dev/hda
   /dev/hdb1 does not have any corresponding BIOS drive.
I guess the reason it's complaining about /dev/hdb1 is probably that
the /boot partiton
resides there, as does the rest of the Warty stuff.  /dev/hda is
reserved for WinXP
which I need for my classes.  I have no idea why there's a BIOS problem with it.

So, for the moment, I'm sticking with an old RedHat Lilo startup which is what I
had before Warty.  I'd like to drop both the RedHat and LILO stuff completely.

Anybody have a suggestion?

Kevin O'Gorman, PhD

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