OpenOffice problems
audriusb at
audriusb at
Fri May 13 14:21:24 UTC 2005
Quoting Daniel Lombrańa Gonzįlez <memonio at>:
Sure. It is very serious bug.
Gediminas Bukauskas
> This month I have been working with openoffice. And I have found two
> problems. The first one is that when im working, suddenly, OpenOffice
> tries, itself, to close asking me what I want to do. Is this a bug?
> The second one is when im working with a presentation and a document. I
> copy some text from the presentation and paste it as special paste in
> the document. When you have done several times that, you get a message
> saying: An exception has occurred, I must quit. Then openoffice hangs,
> and if you restart it you havent loose anything, but the truth is that
> openoffice hangs.
> Cya!
> --
> Cuando el sol sale, para todos sale.
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> o cualquier otro que no obligue a utilizar un programa de un
> fabricante concreto para tratar la información contenida en él.
> ···································································
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