LAN monitor : OT a bit

Guido Heumann listguido at
Wed May 11 21:36:54 UTC 2005

Jim Cheetham schrieb:
> On Tue, 2005-05-10 at 15:45 +0100, Jonathan McLoughlin wrote:
>>I am looking for a open source tool similar to IP Sentry(commercial)
>>to monitor IP addresses within my LAN report IP's being used/up/down
>>and history of IP's. Is anyone using a tool like this for Linux??? Any
>>suggestions apart from developing my own
> etherape perhaps?
> ethereal?
> read dhcp.leases?

enable universe and try "apt-cache search LAN monitor ip" in a terminal.

iptraf perhaps?

> I have no idea what IP Sentry's feature set is, however.

Same goes for me. Just try other keywords or feature names that you miss
for the apt-cache search, and read the package descriptions in synaptic.
Thats how I usually look for new software to try (works much better than
the synaptic search).


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