chmod problem

James Wilkinson ubuntu at
Tue May 10 12:24:00 UTC 2005

Alf-Ivar Holm wrote:
> As the ".*" is expanded by the shell, you can get the list of files
> given to chmod by issuing "echo .*" in the same directory. Your
> assumption about sorting is right (at least if you were using
> bash(1)).

FWIW, what the Original Poster probably wanted was the shopt -s dotglob
command, which makes the shell expand * to include everything beginning
with a dot *except* "." and "..".


E-mail address: james | Space Opera: General term for a subgenre of adventure  | SF in which the men are heroic, the women beautiful,
                      | the monsters monstrous, and the spaceships make
                      | whooshing sounds in hard vacuum. -- Eric Raymond

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