Some question in using Ubuntu

Cao Van Khanh cvkhanh at
Tue May 10 03:32:47 UTC 2005

I’ve used redhat for my work for nearly 1 year, and today I would like to try Ubuntu to get something new . But when using it , I have a lot of problem . So I decide to post here , hoping I’ll get help from all off you :-) .


When I install Ubuntu in expert mode , it ask me to set root password and I did ( I also add a normal account and use it to login at the fist boot ) . When I tried to use root’s terminal , it asked me to type the root’s password and I did , but it tell me that’s wrong . I tried “sudo passwd root” and type something but it did not accept ( I do not know why ) .


The second problem is the resolution , I do not think the ability of recognizing hardware of Ubuntu is not good because my PC run on Intel 845G chipset and the VGA in onboard . It only give me 480x600 of resolution , and the refresh rate is 60Hz ! ! ! How to fix it in “unbutu “ , I would like to find out how ubuntu handle it before I have to change xorg configuration by hand .


So please , give me some help , anyway Ubuntu maybe the distro of mine in the future . :-)



Cao Vân Khánh

OSS eDOCman – CMC Soft

mobile : 0904345333

email : cvkhanh at           

Address : 272 Hoàng Hoa Thám - Hà Nội



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