Network embarassment

Tom Adelstein adelste at
Tue May 10 02:34:31 UTC 2005

On Tue, 2005-05-10 at 10:55 +0930, Brian Astill wrote:
> On Mon, 9 May 2005 11:32 pm, Tony Arnold wrote:
> > On the machine that you think is running sshd, then try 'telnet
> > 22' and see if you get a response. 
> That worked.
> > The try 'telnet 
> > <ip-address> 22' and see if you get the same response, where
> > <ip-address> is the address of your network card.
> This didn't work.  On impulse I tried 'ifconfig -a' and found that I had 
> reversed the addresses for host (which IS and remote (which IS 
> in BOTH /etc/hosts files,  What a twit!  :-(
> I can now connect using SSH2 in gftp.  :-)
> Thanks, everyone for your combined help.

Brian, don't fret. Most problems boil down to typos.

You learned so good troubleshooting techniques - right?

Thanks for letting us help, mate.

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