Gnome weather applet non-functional in hoary

Baza baza at
Tue May 3 21:42:22 UTC 2005

On 3/5/05 20:49, "Charlie Lewis" <clewis4 at> wrote:

> On Tuesday 03 May 2005 02:00 pm, mat nicholson wrote:
>> On 5/3/2005 2:54 PM, Baza wrote:
>>> On 3/5/05 19:40, "mat nicholson" <sjoeboo at> wrote:
>>>> On 5/3/2005 2:28 PM, Norman Silverstone wrote:
>>>>>>> The same problem here. It works only periodically.
>>>>>>> jozsefmak
>>>>>>> --- Frank Merenda <fmerenda at> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Rich Duzenbury <rduz-ubuntu <at>> writes:
>>>>>>>>> I'm trying to get the gnome weather applet to
>>>>>>>> work, with no success.
>>>>>>>> It's working for me today. I know this is a silly
>>>>>>>> question, but did you
>>>>>>>> right-click on it and set up your preferences
>>>>>>>> (choose a location, etc)...
>>>>>> Mine works for Birmingham UK, but the 'forcast' has never worked on
>>>>>> Hoary but did on Warty?? Weird eh?
>>>>>> Baza
>>>>> I am using Hoary and the applet works for Cardiff in Wales, Cork in Eire
>>>>> and so on.
>>>>> Norman
>>>> here in Boston, Ma, USA, it seems to be working just fine, same goes for
>>>> Cambridge.
>>>> mat
>>> Have you got forecast and radar working in Wales and Boston?
>>> Baza
>> in boston forcast and radar work fine.
> Works great for NZSP Amundsen-Scott Station South Pole (NZSP) and Shepherd
> Bay, N. W. T. Canada, (CYUS) or Nunavut, Magnetic North Pole, but I can't get
> it to work too well locally here in Texas. Seems to bog down my system trying
> to keep it's self updated to reflect current conditions. ;-)
> CC

Hey that's handy, I was planning to take my Ubuntu 5.04 notebook to the
South Pole over the weekend :)


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