Gnome weather applet non-functional in hoary

mat nicholson sjoeboo at
Tue May 3 18:40:16 UTC 2005

On 5/3/2005 2:28 PM, Norman Silverstone wrote:

>>>The same problem here. It works only periodically.
>>>--- Frank Merenda <fmerenda at> wrote:
>>>>Rich Duzenbury <rduz-ubuntu <at>> writes:
>>>>>I'm trying to get the gnome weather applet to
>>>>work, with no success.
>>>>It's working for me today. I know this is a silly
>>>>question, but did you
>>>>right-click on it and set up your preferences
>>>>(choose a location, etc)...
>>Mine works for Birmingham UK, but the 'forcast' has never worked on Hoary
>>but did on Warty?? Weird eh?
>I am using Hoary and the applet works for Cardiff in Wales, Cork in Eire
>and so on.
here in Boston, Ma, USA, it seems to be working just fine, same goes for 

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