A more Technical Mailing List

Baza baza at themauvezone.fsnet.co.uk
Tue May 3 00:20:08 UTC 2005

On 3/5/05 01:04, "Christoph Georgi" <christoph.georgi at web.de> wrote:

> Shouldn't matter.. On this list seems to be a good mix of advanced and
> not-so advanced people who are able to answer (almost) every question
> around. So I see no problem in posting any questions, whether technical
> or not (as long as you get some answers :) )
> regards
> .christoph
> Matt Patterson wrote:
>> I have noticed that a lot of my questions are a bit more technical than
>> the standard and I was wondering if there was a more appropriate forum
>> for my questions?
>> Thanks,
>> Matt

I'm not keen on the idea of an, 'advanced' list, sounds sort of elitist to
me. Really advanced people tend to know how to fix problems anyway, and
users of all levels learn more about their chosen OS if they can get advice
from 'wizards'.


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