nfs and hoary

Stephen R Laniel steve at
Mon May 2 12:34:35 UTC 2005

On Sun, May 01, 2005 at 02:10:52PM +0100, david wrote:
> What's the situation with NFS on Hoary. On Warty there was a tutorial on
> the Ubuntu site, are things still the same on Hoary?

I dunno ... why not just try it out?

If you're wondering whether the procedure to get it working
under Hoary is the same, I'd have to guess that the answer
is yes; NFS doesn't change that much. The procedure to get
it working under *Mandrake* and Debian was identical, so I
imagine it's identical between Hoary and Warty. It's very
old, very stable technology.

Stephen R. Laniel
steve at
+(617) 308-5571

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