Release candidate naming

Ari Torhamo ari.torhamo at
Thu Mar 31 14:51:08 UTC 2005


On front page it says that 

"Ubuntu 5.04 Release Candidate is now available! Downloads for x86,
amd64 and ppc are available at". 

On the page that opens is the following paragraph:

"Ubuntu 5.04 Preview "The Hoary Hedgehog"
The download sites listed below include both Install CDs and Live CDs
for various architectures. This is the preview version of Version 5.04."

Some of those download sites seem to talk about preview version too. I
think it would be good to change "preview version" to "release
candidate" when that's what you are offered to download. Of course a
release candidate is a preview version too, but these names are being
used of different versions of (not yet ready) Hoary and mixing them may
cause some (temporary) confusion (at least did to me :)



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