Dual head display issues with Warty

Gary Jarrel gary at hybridkinetic.com.au
Tue Mar 29 23:23:32 UTC 2005

I've got a lap top as well with a Mobility FileGL 9600 and have set up
dual screen with primary display at 1600x1200 and secondary as
1280x1024. The only issue is that I can not drag and drop windows from
one screen to the other but it's the only way that I was able to achieve
different resolutions on the 2 monitors.


On Tue, 2005-03-29 at 17:17 -0500, Mike Smith wrote:
> I have a laptop with the Radeon 9000 and have it working with the following:
> http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/XineramaHowTo/view?searchterm=dual%20head
> The only problem I have is screen0 is 1400x1050 and screen1 should be
> 1280x1024, but it has a "virtual" size of 1400x1050 so the entire
> screen is visible by draggin the mouse to the extreme
> right|left|top|bottom.
> Mike

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