
Art Alexion art.alexion at verizon.net
Sun Mar 27 01:12:30 UTC 2005

Peter Garrett wrote:

>On Sat, 2005-03-26 at 16:43 -0500, Art Alexion wrote:
>>Peter Garrett wrote:
>>>On Sat, 2005-03-26 at 11:05 -0500, Frank McCormick wrote:
>>>> A couple of messages on this list lately prompt this question:
>>>>Often I want software (such as Sylpheed, or mhwaveedit) in a version
>>>>that's not yet available from the regular repositories. I have been
>>>>dl'ing the source, and doing a make, make install but this seems to be
>>>>to be defeating the fine record keeping of the Debian system.
>>>>Whats the **recommended** way of doing this; using dpkg ???
>>>>I am still running Warty...as I don;t want to upgrade until the release.
>>>You might try installing "checkinstall" - usage is quite simple: you do the usual
>>>`./configure && make ` then follow with
>>>` sudo checkinstall`
>>>this makes a deb and installs it for you. The deb can be uninstalled
>>>with sudo dpkg -r <deb>.
>>>There are more elegant approved ways, but this works quite well for me,
>>>at least
>>I used checkinstall successfully with Red Hat to build RPMs from source
>>and install.
>>Is it more reliable than alien (which I have [unsuccessfully] only tried
>My impression is yes, checkinstall is more reliable. RPMs tend to be
>rather incomplete from a Debian-distro viewpoint, and there can always
>be conflicts in what dependencies they have and so on. Compiling, on the
>other hand, *demands* that you get the deps together, or the configure
>script just complains and refuses to complete. 
>`apt-get build-dep`  is very useful here: there are also ways to keep
>everything "in house" with debian/ubuntu source packages, which means
>you don't have to use checkinstall at all ( see the excellent howto at
>with particular attention to 
>or just do
>sudo apt-get install apt-howto
>Checkinstall is good when you know you've got all the -dev packages
>lined up ...  
>Hope this helps
Thank you very much, Peter


Art Alexion
Arthur S. Alexion LLC
arthur [at] alexion [dot] com
aim: aalexion
sms: 2679725536 [at] messaging [dot] sprintpcs [dot] com

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