Gubuntu (Portage in Ubuntu) :)

Jason Straight jason at
Fri Mar 25 19:13:46 UTC 2005

On Friday 25 March 2005 03:32, Sami Haahtinen wrote:
> Seriously though, not all old timers want gentoo. For me, it's too much
> trouble. I have better things to do with my CPU time than to compile
> or Mozilla. But i do agree that if someone integrated
> dpkg support to portage, it might prove to be an advantage. Think about
> it, .ebuild files get updated more often than the debian packages (well
> not always) and you get a bigger variety of versions. If someone wants
> to have mono 1.1.5 in ubuntu (i had this dream last night) they would
> just simply build it from an ebuild package and it would be made in to a
> .deb and get installed.

Yeah, I agree. And as a server admin I'd hate to have to tell my customers 
that they have to wait for their server to come back up because it's going to 
be compiling all day before it's useable. I like a binary distro, but I 
_also_ agree that it would be nice, and I'll look into checkinstall and yada, 
to have sources installed as packages so they can be removed, and so file 
conflicts would be noticeable, as well.

ICQ: 1796276
AIM: JasonRStraight
MSN: glock21-45cal at
OS: Ubuntu/Kubuntu Linux

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