Ubuntu an Alternative to Linspire?

John Levin john at technolalia.org
Thu Mar 24 11:08:23 UTC 2005

On 24 Mar 2005, at 05:13, Ed Sutherland wrote:


> But (and you know one of those just had to appear) I don't want to 
> give up the positive aspects of Linspire: zero configuration, perfect 
> hardware detection and Windows support (I'm able to access my XP 
> partition and use my Windows truetype fonts.)

'Perfect' hardware detection depends, in my experience, on what 
hardware you have.
I suggest trying out the Ubuntu live cd: you can get a taste of Ubuntu 
without installing, and see if it fits your needs/your hardware.

(Use the latest live cd preview rather than the old warty one - they're 
quite different and the latest is much closer to ubuntu.)

Hope that helps


linux for humans

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