Failed to upgrade kernel due to mkinitrd and non-LVM device

Martin Lorentzson Martin.Lorentzson at
Tue Mar 22 21:35:41 UTC 2005

I have encrypted my swap using the excellent article found on the WiKi [1]. 
However, I'm now unable to update my kernel-image.  The reason is that mkinitrd
fails since my /dev/mapper/cryptoswap is not an LVM device.  

This has already been reported in bug #5440 (erratically marked as resolved.) 
In Debian there is #266591 and #266540.

I did not want to file a proper bug since this might be fixed in Hoary and I can
hold on the kernel security update until then.  So, can someone confirm that
this is fixed in Hoary or should I reopen #5440?

/Martin Lorentzson


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