Problem sending files with bluetooth

zer0halo zerohalo at
Wed Mar 23 16:59:40 UTC 2005

Thanks, Carlos. That solved part one of my problem. I have now been
able to pair my Palm T3 with my laptop as a "trusted device".

However, I still have the problem that the "send via bluetooth" option
that used to appear in Nautilus, no longer does. So I'm not able to
send files from my laptop to my Palm. Would this perhaps have
something to do with the changes made to Nautilus extensions in Gnome
2.10? If so, is there any work-around?

On Tue, 22 Mar 2005 17:42:36 +0100, Carlos A. Paramio
<carlos.paramio at> wrote:
> > When I use the Bluetooth Manager to scan for devices, it correctly
> > finds my T3. My laptop is not "paired" with my T3 since I can't find
> > any option for this in Ubuntu. I tried doing it from my T3 but it asks
> > me for a passkey to connect to my laptop, and I've never set up a
> > passkey for the laptop so I don't have one and the pairing fails.
> I think you must edit /etc/bluetooth/pin and enter there the passkey do
> you want.
> --
> Carlos Alberto Paramio Danta            .--.
>    |o_o |
> email : carlosparamio @        |:_/ |
> jabber: parax @               //   \ \
> -------------------------------------(|     | )--
> Fingerprint 41C6 D2BE 7DE7 AB61 C23F /'\_   _/`\
>             F697 5A1D 1849 01B8 D318 \___)=(___/
> ¿Todavía no pliegas proteínas?

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