Evolution 2-2 and Evolution-exchange

Russell Cook ruscook_oz at yahoo.com.au
Mon Mar 21 04:34:33 UTC 2005

Hi Jonathan,
I've, (based on 30 mins use only) got evolution more stable in talking
to exchange. Basically, syncing the exchange GAL was killing the
evolution connector - I used "strace" on the evolution-exchange
connector to find this out. 

What I've done to make it more stable, which has worked for this
afternoon is:
    made sure the GAL returns no more than 50 address book entries per
    turned off caching the GAL for offline use.

These combined changes have stopped the evolution-exchange process from
getting into long transactions with exchange and getting stuck into some
kind of loop or unfinished poll.

Let me know how this works for you if you decide to try the changes.
On Fri, 2005-03-18 at 11:43 +0000, Jonathan McLoughlin wrote:

> Similar issue!
> Evolution with exchange seems too buggy for me, have ventured into that 
> realm a few times to test it, same story CPU overloading etc....
> Another thing I disliked although you can setup filters on your inbox 
> you cannot have the filters run automatically!
> As mail client to exchange I use ThunderBird IMAP, IMAP on all exchanges 
> by default I believe, some exchange functionality lost like calenders 
> etc.. but you get your mail!!!
> russell cook wrote:
> > Hi Folks,
> > evolution at home works fine, no probs at all. However evolution on 
> > the laptop uses the exchange connector to talk to exchange. This works 
> > ok, but around 5-6 times a day, evolution-exchange takes ALL available 
> > CPU. Sometimes it will recover in around 7-8 minutes. More often than 
> > not I have to kill all evolution processes and reload.
> >
> > This is very frustrating as I'm trying to use evolution/ubuntu as an 
> > alternative desktop at work.
> >
> > Does anyone have any thoughts on this or experience similar issues?
> >
> > Kind Regards Russell
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