comparing distributions (Re: Ubuntu KDE

Philippe Landau lists at
Sun Mar 20 06:11:20 UTC 2005

> I do NOT know how to set up an application launcher in GNOME;
> I do NOT know how to find those missing menu icons when I installed
> America's Army or GnuCash etc. in GNOME;
what are the best feelings you get out of America's Army ?

> I do NOT know how to manipulate my window settings, menu transparency
> effects, drag and copy/move files etc. in GNOME; [can people see that I
> have used KDE?]
> BUT ~~
> I do hope that Ubuntu stays as a GNOME-focused distro.
> Simply because GNOME is beautiful, fast and promising. (icons, space
> between icons, fonts etc.)
gnome is fast ?
nautilus here is just slow.
regularly waiting for seconds for windows to load.

> And that is the first impression you give to people. (spell NEW USERS)
> My very first Linux box was Fedora Core, and which explains why I got
> hooked the first time round, altho' I spent more than 6 months trying
> to figure out things like installing RPMs vs. DEBs vs. TGZ etc. and
> using multiple commandlines to do the same thing... eg. "su -" vs.
> sudo
why do you say you were hooked, did you enjoy that ?
just curious :-)

> If you want KDE, simply download it from the repositories (I am typing
> this in KDE 3.4 now - really cool!!), download KUbuntu 
what is the difference between Kubuntu and Ubuntu with KDE ?

> OR MEPIS, Xandros etc.
> Linux rocks, and hurray to Ubuntu!!

> p/s. To be fair to MEPIS, it is by far the only distro where daily
> needed functions JUST WORK. I know, coz I used MEPIS b4 trying out
> Ubuntu and finding tat I cannot get away from wanting to have
> OpenOffice 2.0, KDE 3.4 etc. in the repositories!!
although i do not like their style,
Mepis is a good suggestion for a simple user needing linux now.
but you were lucky, it depends what version and on your hardware.
also, their business model is unclear.
PCLinux and Sam are two mandrake-based LiveCDs.

kind regards     philippe

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