help installing ubuntu on old computers

chris cja1 at
Sun Mar 20 01:15:28 UTC 2005

This was what appeared in the subject line by default philippe --> Re: 
ubuntu-users Digest, Vol 7, Issue 246
	I selected digest form for reasons of personal preference.

On Mar 19, 2005, at 18:49, ubuntu-users-request at wrote:

Hey Phillippe,
	I guess I'll have to install it on my mac (I'm not looking forward, oh 
well).  I haven't found any list of "system requirements" I checked the 
CD and the website, no joy.


PS: "no joy" (in context) is an idiom meaning, "didn't find what I was 
looking for".

> Message: 7
> Date: Sun, 20 Mar 2005 01:09:49 +0100
> From: Philippe Landau <lists at>
> Subject: Re: help installing ubuntu on old computers
> To: Ubuntu Help and User Discussions <ubuntu-users at>
> Message-ID: <423CBF4D.5090808 at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
>>> i am sorry about the obstacles you encounter.
>>> i hope you can view it as a game like mikado or so.
>>> can you please keep the subject of your emails
>>> so we can work on it in a consistent thread ?
>>> this is facilitated if you always use "reply" when
>>> writing a new email to the list about this.
>>     I'm copying and pasting from the digest to the reply,
>> better then cutting 6 to 10 or more other messages.
> when you see my email, and you hit the reply button,
> what is in the subject line ?
>>> I can't boot from the CD (The computer tries it,
>>> and I do have the CD as the first device it checks to boot from)
>>> but it can't boot.  I don't know why.
>>> which version of ubuntu did you download (file name please) ?
>>     4.10 "warty warthog"
>>> do you try installing on a mac ? what model ?
>> no, I'd have to repartition my HDD on my mac    When I tried to put 
>> on yellow dog, it caused several disk errors (at least from MacOS 
>> point of view, I finally had to do zero out the harddrive and 
>> reinstall MacOS).
>> I'm using an older computer: 166 Cyrix 6x86.
>> I want to say 64 MB ram (if I'm doing the math correct on the screen 
>> before red hat's LILO starts up).
>> 8x CD-ROM (no writing or rewriting capibility).
> so that's a pentium 1 processor (pitty it's not a 686 :-)
> unfortunately this computer may be too old for ubuntu.
> there are linux distributions specialising in old computers:
>> I appreciate everyone's help.
> i enjoy talking to you too.
> in northern europe you have to pay to get rid of pentium 3 computers 
> ...
> kind regards     philippe
> -- 
>>> I have an 8GB hard drive with old version of redhat
>>> I have a brand new 160GB with 4 partitions.  I'd like to eventually 
>>> format what's now "hdb1" as a swap partition and instal ubuntu on 
>>> "hdb2" "hd3" and "hdb4" (the 4 partition set up: swap, root, 
>>> user...).  Currently these are formatted as ext2, because the 
>>> version of redhat I have couldn't format them as riser or ext3.
>>> Do I need to "fake" a few files (as in use touch to create a few 
>>> zero byte files with specific names) so install can overwrite.  Or 
>>> can I use install to write to the slave disk at all?
>>> Thanks,
>>>     Chris
>>>     I've got 1 internet capible system presently, a Mac OS 10.3.8 
>>> with Netscape 7.x.  I've not been able to get the CD written on my 
>>> Mac I had to use one of the computer labs at school to get it 
>>> written.  I've sent off for the CD's from Ubuntu already but they 
>>> haven't arrived yet.  I've not been able to get the live CD burnt.  
>>> Also, I remember from SuSe there's a command-line way of 
>>> installing... type 1 command that brings up a whole list of what to 
>>> include and not include, then quit that and do a make (make install) 
>>> IIRC.  Is there a similar way.  I've scowered the CD and the website 
>>> and haven't found it.  I have a nagging feeling the slides that you 
>>> told me about and I can't access are what I need to know.
>>>     I hate remembering only half of this stuff.  I've done this 
>>> years ago, and this case remembering half is worse than remembering 
>>> nothing, because I so easily misremember.
>>> Thanks In Advance,
>>>     Chris
>> -- 
>> ubuntu-users mailing list
>> ubuntu-users at

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