
Simon Santoro Simon.Santoro at
Sat Mar 19 13:10:45 UTC 2005

Michael Hipp wrote:
> Simon Santoro wrote:
>> Personally I don't like someone else to decide what is best for me, 
>> like how many processes I am allowed to run, how many cpu time, or cut 
>> down on anything else on my machine.
> I submit that you have missed the point.
> If you're knowledgeable enough to care about the proc limits, then 
> you're knowledgeable  enough to set it to your preferences. No-one is 
> forcing anything on you.

Sure. That's what I sad in my previous email.

> But for everyone else, they expect their distro to be as secure out of 
> the box as reasonably possible.


> (Ubuntu has done a great job of this.) 

I agree.

> Putting a limiting value on procs would help everyone and likely harm 
> no-one.

I don't agree here. What if a program is designed to make a lot of 
forks, for example to solve a math problem (factorize big numbers) or 
something like that. That program could not run anymore.

So I think that you can not protect a user that executes scripts from a 
doubtful source on his machine, because that user is already screwed 
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