fontconfig problems in hoary

Mike Basinger ulist at
Fri Mar 18 04:42:49 UTC 2005

penguinz Wrote: 
> Could you be more specific as to how to modify
> var/lib/dpkg/info/fontconfig.config.
> The lower section of mine looks like this.............
> --------------------------snip--------------------------------
> # convert old debconf -> new debconf
> if [ -f /var/lib/fontconfig/local.conf ]; then
> db_get fontconfig/subpixel_rendering
> if [ "$RET" = true ]; then
> db_set fontconfig/rendering_type "Subpixel rendering (LCD
> screens)"
> fi
> fi
> db_input medium fontconfig/rendering_type || true
> db_input low fontconfig/enable_bitmaps || true
> db_go
> -----------------------------------------------end snip
> ----------------------------
> horay/amd64
Here is my fontconfig.config

  #! /bin/sh
  set -e
  . /usr/share/debconf/confmodule
  # we run for the first time
  if [ "`which laptop-detect`" ] && [ ! -f /var/lib/fontconfig/local.conf ]; then
  if laptop-detect > /dev/null; then
  db_set fontconfig/rendering_type "Subpixel rendering (LCD screens)"
  db_set fontconfig/rendering_type "Bytecode interpreter (CRT screens)"
  # convert old debconf -> new debconf
  #if [ -f /var/lib/fontconfig/local.conf ]; then
  #  db_get fontconfig/subpixel_rendering
  #  if [ "$RET" = true ]; then
  #    db_set fontconfig/rendering_type "Subpixel rendering (LCD screens)"
  #  fi

Mike Basinger

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