best way to go hoary

Emil Oppeln-Bronikowski opi at
Thu Mar 17 12:18:52 UTC 2005

On Thursday 17 of March 2005 12:50, spamse wrote:

> sources to hoary and doing a dist-upgrade? At this point I have done
> no setting up of the environment, so there is nothing to lose.

 Well, I've distupgraded to Hoary (and Kubuntu;-) and I see no diffences. I 
also moved my Debian boxes all the time. It *should* be the same. But if 
you'd to go with clean Hoary installation, go ahead -- write a short raport, 
too -- you'll help developers. :-)

 Emil Oppeln-Bronikowski,
 Monkey see, monkey do. Rather be dead than cool.

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