pdf editors

Matt Price matt.price at utoronto.ca
Tue Mar 15 17:36:54 UTC 2005

On Tue, Mar 15, 2005 at 06:29:10PM +0100, Philippe Landau wrote:
> Matt Price wrote:
> >>>so I'd say flpsed is better, though its editing capabilities are much
> >>>more limited (can't change existing text, can only add new text as a
> >>>kind of new layer over the old).  
> >>do they plan to allow full text editing ?
> >I'm not sure -- it's in pre-alpha right now, and only one guy's
> >working on it.  No doubt the more people work on it, the mroe features
> >will be included...  But I don't know how much more difficult it is to
> >add such features.  
> isn't it astonishing that openoffice does not
> allow editing of existing pdf documents ?

well, I've seen this discussed on the User list, but folks suggest
this is a bigger problem htan it seems.  Looking at pdf files, they
seem to be i na compressed format, maybe that has something to do with



Matt Price	    matt.price at utoronto.ca
History Department, University of Toronto
(416) 978-2094

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