Kernels (newbie)

Balakrishnan Chandrasekaran Balakrishnan.C at
Tue Mar 15 05:35:54 UTC 2005

Matthew S-H wrote:

> I keep hearing on this list about changing the /kernel/ that I have 
> installed. For example, there was a recent thread about raising memory 
> usage above 860MB by installing a different kernel that supports it.
> What does this all mean? What are thee different kernels available? 
> Which one would be the best for normal personal use? etc, etc
> ~Matt

  Kernel recompiling can be done with ease, in Ubuntu or for that matter 
any Debian based distro. First analyze what are the features you want 
your kernel to support, and then download the kernel that can meet your 
purposes. For instance, I downloaded kernel 2.6.6 for NTFS filesystem 
support. It's in fact available from kernel-2.4, but not stable (so I 
was told). I recompiled the kernel and installed it. The advantage you 
get when recompiling a kernel is that you get to know your system  much 
  You can also try installing a latest kernel image directly using 
apt-get or synaptic. These are pre-compiled kernels.
  Go ahead, with recompiling the kernel on your own. You can even remove 
the kernel if you don't like it, simply using "dpkg -r".

  Happy Kernel Tweaking!


Balakrishnan Chandrasekaran
I love TUX --- well... that's an understatement :)

Balakrishnan.C at gmx dot de
Balakrishnan.C at gmail dot com

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