fresh off the boat

Paul Sladen sounder at
Tue Mar 15 10:35:32 UTC 2005

On Tue, 15 Mar 2005, Tab Gilbert wrote:


> burned 15 discs - every speed, etc.

Are all the blank discs from the same batch and/or the same manufacturer?

> 15 times bad checksum - will not run
> no MD5 check done- still have not figured that out but the Live CD


  md5sum hoary-install-*.iso

and compare that to the list of known correct md5sums in:  [*]

If they match, you know that the problem is later in the chain---something
to do with the burning part.

If the two are different, you know that the problem is later is the
chain---something to do with the downloading part.

> Is there something I am doing wrong?  Is it normal for a straight
> download using linux to corrupt so often?  >200 GB downloaded/no MD5

It is most likely /not/ your fault.  I wouldn't expect any corruption at
all unless caused by a physical artifact ...the physical network connection,
the CD media, CD drive, faulty RAM or a dying hard-drive.

> The Ubuntu running now came from a Sir Bill system download.

Have you tried burning a CD using that same procedure?


[*] remember to grab the MD5SUMs file from the same directory (date) as the
    CD ISO image you're downloading!
I didn't know it snowed here!  London, GB

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