Evolution not Filtering Spam

bored2k ulist at gs1.ubuntuforums.org
Sun Mar 13 18:15:37 UTC 2005

Pete Shinners Wrote: 
> Help! I'm trying out Evolution as my mail program, but it is not
> deleting junk
> mail at all. In my preferences, I do have "Check incoming mail for
> junk"
> enabled. But nothing ever goes to the junk folder unless I manually
> select it.
> At first I thought it may need a day or two to collect enough
> statistics, but
> it's been a over a week now and I'm still manually cleaning my inbox
> (argh).
> I do not have the "Include remote tests" enabled, but it doesn't sound
> like that
> is always necessary?
> Help! Is another setting necessary, or another package. I'm using POP
> for my
> main email address.
> -- 
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Description: Perl-based spam filter using text analysis
SpamAssassin is a very powerful and fully configurable spam filter
with numerous features including automatic white-listing, RBL
testing, Bayesian analysis, header and body text analysis. It is
designed to be called from a user's .procmail or .forward file, but
can also be integrated into a Mail Transport Agent (MTA).
Included in this package is a daemonized form of spamassassin (spamd)
which communicates with its client (spamc) via TCP, to reduce the
overhead of loading perl with each message. To take advantage of
this, you must install the spamc package.
Homepage: http://www.spamassassin.org
Bugs: mailto:ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com
Origin: Ubuntu


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