
Ed Fletcher ed at
Sun Mar 13 08:30:50 UTC 2005

> On Mar 13, 2005, at 4:13 PM, matthew.east at wrote:
> I have a query regarding the current state of runlevels in ubuntu. 
> Hope this is the right list.
> Since I am a laptop user I wondered about the possibility of choosing 
> from grub to boot into two possible runlevels so that in one runlevel 
> I would load my network services (network, ntpdate, smb, etc) and in 
> the other runlevel I would not load network things, for when I am not 
> using my laptop connected to a network. This is important because if I 
> am not connected and I try my usual boot, it spends a fair while 
> trying to get an ip via dhcp and so on.
> AFAICS the network starting services are in rcS, which as I understand 
> it is started on every boot. So without a bit of working around, the 
> result I describe in the previous paragraph is a bit difficult, 
> especially with things like initscript dependencies. Of course, this 
> is not helped by the fact that editing initscripts in ubuntu is pretty 
> difficult, unless I have missed some tool.
> gentoo have lovely initscripts and it is easy as pie to get two 
> runlevels such as those I have described into the grub menu. Can this 
> be done with ubuntu? if not, will it ever be possible?
> thanks for your attention, Matt

Until you find a better solution, you can kill the dhcp with a CTL-C 
when it's trying to set up networking during the boot.  It won't affect 
your ability to join a network later.  I use this when I'm using my 
laptop away from home.  And I can still get wireless running after the 
machine has finished booting.  Just saves the wait time.

Ed Fletcher
ed at

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