[Hoary] Adobe Acrobat doesn't start ?

Bob Nielsen nielsen at oz.net
Thu Mar 10 17:18:33 UTC 2005

On Thu, Mar 10, 2005 at 05:43:14PM +0100, Vincent Trouilliez wrote:
> > I have the ftp.nerim.net repository in my sources.list (for mplayer,
> > etc.) and although the version of the .deb is the same as that for hoary
> > multiverse, 
> Yes, I was delighted to see that it made it into the Ubuntu
> repositories, we should not have to add thir-party repositores, possibly
> installing dubious quality packages.
> I hope the win32 codecs will make it into Ubuntu too, at least until
> Gstreamer is fully sorted, which will probably take...well... some
> time ... :-/

Certainly you need to be careful when going to third-party sources.  
Christian Marillat who packaged acroread, as well as w32codecs and a lot 
of other stuff is a Debian developer and his stuff should be safe, as 
long as you don't get into dependency problems.

There are potential legal problems with hosting such things as w32codecs
and libdvdcss in certain countries (Gosh, I hope I don't get into too
much trouble watching DVDs I actually purchased), just as there was
formerly with encryption software.  This limits where the archives can
be located (nerim.net is in France).  I assume that the Ubuntu servers 
are in the UK, but don't know how restrictive the IP laws are there.

Also, Debian itself, which is the source of much of the software in 
multiverse, has purged a lot of the non-free software from its archives.  
Ubuntu's policy on this is somewhat less restrictive than Debian.

> > my copy may have come from there.  It has the acroread
> > binary in /usr/lib/Acroread5/bin and I didn't need to make that link. 
> > The dialog box shows as 5.10 in the title, as well.
> Hmmmm, strange...hopefully our Ubuntu package will be fixed...

> > If they make changes, enabling scrolling with the mouse wheel would be a nice addition.
> I have got a wheel on my mouse, but the mechanicals are badly designed,
> so I can't really use it....frustrating... :o(


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