[Hoary] "Zapping" doesn't start

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at modulonet.fr
Thu Mar 10 08:37:24 UTC 2005

> So I consider your previous report about "Cannot find X11 screens" as 
> closed. 

Yes, it starts fine now :o)

> I checked the Debian and Zapping bug databases but no one reported the 
> same bug (yet), for a version close to yours.

I am not the only one, someone else on the list said he has the exact
same problem. So I must file a bug, but really don't know where to file
it in Ubuntu bugzilla.

> > Also, I notice that the tandem Zapping+Xorg, uses 99% of the CPU time !!
> > Every now and then, it adds up to 100% and the system becomes jerky and
> > then plain hangs, for a few seconds, until the load decreases a itny
> > little bit to let the system breathe and become responsive again.
> > It's strange, because when I run XawTV,Xorg uses only 1.3% of CPU time,
> > and XawTv itself, an absolute 0.0% according to the 'top' command.
> Hard to track down... It seems there's a preview mode and a capture 
> mode, can you try both?

What is "preview" mode ? I only have "capture" or "overlay" mode.
Overlay is not good, as it uses the CPU a lot. Capture mode uses zero
CPU time (well, when it works ie, like in XawTv for example).

I tried starting Zapping from a terminal, but there is no error message
whatsoever, so no clue there :o(


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