Gnome 2.10 Officially Released!

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at
Thu Mar 10 07:09:36 UTC 2005

> > On a negative note, the official release means that now, all the bugs
> > will not be fixed, and we will have to live with them for at meast 6
> > MONTHS ! Boy, sounds like eternity :o(
> > Of course our lovely developpers could work on it, but I guess they are
> > plenty busy enough getting Ubuntu's "internals"/under the hood things,
> > working as best as possible, so no time to fix Gnome.
> Where on earth did you get these ideas?
> -- 
>  - mdz

Hi Matt,

Well, I just realised my mistake. For Gnome 2.8, they kept fixing bugs
and produced Gnome 2.8.1, 2.8.2 and 2.8.3, to fix bugs etc of the stalbe
version. So I guess they will keep working on 2.10 in the same way, so
they might fix some of the bugs. But, will the update-manager in Hoary,
include upgrades to 2.10.2 and 2.10.3 when they are released ?
I thought that stable version of Ubuntu only got fixes for
severe/critical bugs ?
If you Hoary does get 2.10.x updates every 2 months, then I take my hat
off, and am looking forward to the first update ! :o)


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