Recovering a damaged ext3 system, where to start?

Florence Berbain fberbain at
Tue Mar 8 23:36:07 UTC 2005

Neil Woolford wrote:

> One little thought;  I have some spare small hard drives around at the 
> moment, and a spare
> computer.  Is there any way of deliberately damaging an ext3 system so 
> that I can have a
> bit more practice before doing a live recovery?  (Could I even do it 
> on a floppy for practice?)

FWIW, the very-stupid-and-easy-way I damaged my file system was: I 
turned the computer off without doing a proper shutdown beforehand (and, 
obviously, it was not configured to do it automatically).

But I'm not sure what kind of practice you could get, as nobody 
suggested smarter instructions that simply do a fsck /dev/your_device 
and then answer yes to everything fsck says?

To damage a file system on a floppy, I don't know, maybe eject it 
without unmounting it?


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