mouse pointer

David M. Carney carney1979 at
Tue Mar 8 10:32:06 UTC 2005

Noah Dain wrote:
> On Mon, 07 Mar 2005 20:31:13 -0500, David M. Carney
> <carney1979 at> wrote:
>>listas at wrote:
>>>>>Just upgraded to Hoary and the mouse pointer is the core
>>>>>how can I change to the industrial theme ?
>>>>>I've installed  warty and upgraded to hoary
>>>>>Never logged on warty
>>>>>any clue ?
>>>>it is a known problem with Hoary:
>>>>ubuntu-users mailing list
>>>>ubuntu-users at
>>>mean while
>>>Downgraded  to gtk2-engines-industrial from warty
>>>and  put it on hold
>>>echo "gtk2-engines-industrial   hold" | sudo  dpkg --setselections
>>>Thanks again
>>Here's how you get the "Warty" pointer back:
>>How to install X11 cursors
>> From Tryphon
>>Installation example
>>We are going to install the's jimmac cursors
>>based theme.
>>     * It can be downloaded here:
>>     * Decompress the file, and extract the folder Jimmac/jimmac to
>>     * Extract the file Jimmac/default/index.theme to /etc/X11/cursors
>>and rename it jimmac.theme.
>>     * In order to add the jimmac theme to the x-cursor-theme debian
>>sudo update-alternatives --install
>>/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/icons/default/index.theme x-cursor-theme
>>/etc/X11/cursors/jimmac.theme 19
>>     * Choose the number that correspond to the jimmac.theme file:
>>sudo update-alternatives --config x-cursor-theme
>>There are 5 alternatives which provide `x-cursor-theme'.
>>   Selection    Alternative
>>       1        /etc/X11/cursors/core.theme
>>       2        /etc/X11/cursors/redglass.theme
>>       3        /etc/X11/cursors/whiteglass.theme
>>       4        /etc/X11/cursors/handhelds.theme
>>*+    19       /etc/X11/cursors/jimmac.theme
>>Press enter to keep the default[*], or type selection number:
>>Now, you have to log out and log in, in order to see the new cursors in
>>action :)
>>Registered Linux User #297958
>>ubuntu-users mailing list
>>ubuntu-users at
> running hoary.
> I did the "third-party cursor install, the debian way(R)" a week or so
> ago, and had to abandon it.
> Everytime I try to use a pointer set which does not ship with ubuntu,
> including the jimmac set from above, gnome becomes terribly broken. 
> The meer attempt to drag-n-drop anything results in nautilus locking,
> maxing the cpu, and then exiting after a few seconds.  The panel acts
> wiggy too.
> However, the included cursor sets white/red-glass and handhelds work fine.
> it's just ... weird.  Anyone else seeing this?

Hmmm. I didn't have that problem at all. I did this right after I 
installed Hoary (fresh). In fact, it also worked on a box with a Hoary 
upgrade (from Warty).

Added note: there is a package called gcursor that will let you select 
your mouse pointer while you are in Gnome. I saves you from having to do 
a "sudo update-alternatives --config x-cursor-theme".

The drawback is you will only have the selected mouse pointer while in 
Gnome. When you're out of Gnome (gdm, some other desktops, etc) you will 
revert back to the "standard" X11 mouse pointer until you log back into 


Registered Linux User #297958

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