Help with conflicting versions of GCC

Adam Membrey membreya at
Mon Mar 7 14:59:25 UTC 2005

I've currently got GCC 3.3 and 3.4 installed on my ubuntu

doing a gcc -v gives gcc version 3.4.4 yet if I do a cat /proc/version I 
get "Linux version 2.6.10-3-amd64-generic (buildd at yellow) (gcc version 
3.3.5 (Debian1:3.3.5-8ubuntu2))"

When my programs compile I can see in the config.log that it's reporting 
GCC 3.3 but using GCC 3.4

Any tips on how to remove 3.3 and only run 3.4? I get a whole lot of 
packages to be removed if I try and do it through synaptic

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