Can't get md5sum to work

Kevin O'Gorman kogorman at
Sun Mar 6 17:08:30 UTC 2005

What happens if you try it on a regular file, not a device nor a partition?

On Sun, 06 Mar 2005 18:52:00 +0200, Ari Torhamo
<ari.torhamo at> wrote:
> Hello,
> Could anyone please help me to get md5sum work for me. I have downloaded
> and burned Hoary array6 and would like to check if it's OK. When I do
> md5sum /dev/hdc
> I get
> /dev/hdc: failed in buffer_read(fd): mdfile: Input/output error.
> This has actually always happend to me, already when I burned early
> Warty CDs. The drive is hdc and it starts to do something and goes on
> for a few minutes, but then I get the error message above. I have tried
> different discs too, but it hasn't help either. There are no problems
> using the drive othervise, it reads and burns without any problems.
> Any ideas?
> Ari
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Kevin O'Gorman, PhD

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