How to rip mp3 with Sound Juicer?

Jochen Skulj jochen at
Wed Mar 2 17:33:09 UTC 2005

Joe Mahoney:

>On Wed, 02 Mar 2005 00:27:21 +0100, Carlos GarcĂ­a <cggff at> wrote:
>>I want to rip a cd to mp3, but i can't with the new version of Sound
>>Juicer (2.9.92)
>This thread on the Ubuntu forums should be of some use:
>Joe Mahoney
Does anyone knows if Hoary will include a mp3 support for sound juicer? 
It really gives me a bad feeling to download and install a package 
manually without using apt-get. Isn't it possible to include 
gstreamer0.8-lame in one of Ubuntu's repositories? I don't expect it to 
be part of the main repository but it would be nice to know there is a 
maintainer who cares about it and will update it if required because of 

Cheers, Jochen

Jochen Skulj
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