ATI or Nvidia??

David M. Carney carney1979 at
Tue Mar 1 23:45:14 UTC 2005

On Tue, 2005-03-01 at 05:19 -0500, jsgotangco wrote:
> I would really stick to Nvidia. ATI on linux is just spotty at the
> moment.
> -- 
> jsgotangco

OK all. 

I bought an GeForce 4000 AGP card with 128 megs of ram.

I tried the instructions on the wiki to setup GLX. I've done this
before, so I'm not a newb.

Restarted X (on my Hoary box) and it shows the Nvidia splash, I hear the
gdm "sounds", and it all stops there.

Not a hard lockup. I can switch to a tty and kill gdm.

Tried the commercial driver with the same results.

Tried the earlier commercial driver and it complained that I had the
wrong kernel-sources.

Which kernel sources do I need? uname -r returns 2.6.10-4-386.

What's the "secret" to making this work?


Registered Linux User #297958

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