Mac-on-Linux networking problems [Hoary]

Eric Dunbar eric.dunbar at
Tue Mar 1 04:00:20 UTC 2005

On Mon, 28 Feb 2005 20:19:28 -0500, Nathan Sprangers <farruinn at> wrote:
> On Mon, 28 Feb 2005 07:30:09 -0500
> Eric Dunbar <eric.dunbar@> wrote:
> > I've installed the MOL driver into OS X 10.3.8 and tried fiddling with
> > the Networking preferences pane.
> I just noticed this on
> Client OS support:
> - Mac OS X (10.1-10.3.3)
> I haven't seen anything that says it won't work with 10.3.8 though, so
> I'm going to keep trying :)

I've got it working with 10.3.8! All the instructions in the MOL wiki
work, except that the one regarding the init.r instructions are added
to a file other than the one listed, and, you have to make sure that
you open up the Networking preferences pane after you enable the DHCP

Since MOL's on a laptop all the normal hardware features aren't
properly supported (since Ubuntu itself doesn't handle trackpads
properly and doesn't pass on anything beyond a second mouse button
click or F11/F12 (I really should disable mouse button emulation but
it doesn't seem to use the same daemon as YDL so I couldn't figure it
out immediately)).


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