(Hoary) Recent libxine1 update: broken for *.wmv , *.asf ?

Peter Garrett peter.garrett at optusnet.com.au
Thu Jun 30 18:39:48 UTC 2005

A recent (two days ago?) apt-get upgrade installed a new version of libxine1.
Apt-cache policy says it is:

 1.0-1ubuntu3.2 0
        500 http://au.archive.ubuntu.com hoary-updates/main Packages
the .deb is 

This update appears to have broken my system's ability to play Windows  *.wmv and/or *.asf video files, with Xine reporting that they are unsupported, and that I may need plugins. Some files produce sound but no video, others simply will not play. I have w32codecs installed, of course.

$ apt-cache policy w32codecs
  Installed: 1:20050412-0.0

Since these files were playing without problems before this update to 1.0-1ubuntu3.2 0, I reinstalled the older .deb directly from /var/cache/apt/archives to confirm that the problem was indeed the newer package. The problem exists, of course, with any player using the xine backend (totem-xine, xfmedia, xine-ui etc ). As a test, I played the files using mplayer - without problems.

As I suspected, I have no trouble playing the affected files with the older package, viz.


Can anyone confirm this problem on their system? I have reverted to the earlier version, so it isn't a problem for me, but it would be rather upsetting for those who don't know how to fix it...


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